Quotes From "The Rise Of Sivagami" By Anand Neelakantan

Fight all you want, but you will never win. You...
Fight all you want, but you will never win. You can change a system only by being part of that system, by being part of the change. Anand Neelakantan
An evil man without vices was the most dangerous of...
An evil man without vices was the most dangerous of all. Anand Neelakantan
Achi used to say that, for a woman, sex was her greatest strength. Morality was nothing but a chain invented by man to enslave women. Anand Neelakantan
It was so easy to sell anything to the common people, if one could add an element of magic and some religion into it Anand Neelakantan
The world is a jungle and each of us is alone. Each of us is the hunter and every one is the hunted. Kill or be killed. In this jungle, only the smartest will survive. Your brother is smart, you are not. You are a fool, filled with stupid notions of duty. Unless you cure yourself of this disease, you are doomed. Anand Neelakantan